We are living in scary times. As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the globe, we are united in our worry. For some, the concern is for the health of their loved ones. For others – the health of their business.
While people are instructed to stay home with only 80% of their income, buying behaviours have dramatically changed. As businesses pause unnecessary spending in order to survive, B2B suppliers suffer.
Unlike many other freelancers, I have been fortunate enough to avoid this fate. The main reason? Internal communications. It is important, now more than ever, to communicate clear messages to your employees.
Whether you are reassuring them of their job security, informing them of furlough decisions, or even just announcing new social distancing measures – communication is key throughout this crisis.
A friend said to me recently that when this is over, we will see clearly which companies take care of their employees and which do not. Workers that are disappointed with the way their employers have communicated with them during the crisis may consider leaving the company to work for a competitor. At a time like this, that is a risk businesses cannot afford to take.
Lucky for me, my clients were already aware of the value of good internal comms during challenging times – meaning I have been busier than ever writing internal intranet articles, company-wide emails and letters to front-line workers.
If this sounds like something your company could benefit from at the moment, don’t hesitate to contact me!